(May-October 31)

The Lower Loop tour is our most popular excursion. This full day trip includes the best geothermal viewing in the world, such as beautiful hot springs, fumaroles, and geysers including the famous "Old Faithful" geyser. You will also see the great waterfalls of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. Along the drive we may have an opportunity to see some of the amazing wildlife of Yellowstone, such as bison, elk, and more. Customize your trip by selecting certain points of interest or let your guide customize for you.
(Memorial Weekend-October 31)

The Upper Loop is our most scenic tour. Enjoy incredible vistas and rock formations on the Upper Loop tour, take photographs of stunning waterfalls ad the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. See steam vents and Mammoth Hot Spring's beautiful travertine terrace. Search for Yellowstone wildlife along the way. Spring is the best opportunity for a chance to see bears. Fall is rut season, when people come to see giant the antlers of the big bull elk and seek a chance to hear them bugle as they call out to the females. Top the day off with a stop at the Albright Visitor Center.
(May-December 30)

Lamar Valley is known as the premier wildlife viewing area in Yellowstone National Park and is your best opportunity to see the most wildlife. Lamar Valley offers a large year-round bison population, with spring being the best time for grizzly, black bear and wolf sightings, and fall is the best chance to hear an elk bugle. Enjoy the stunning views while in search of other spectacular wildlife, such as bison, coyote, big horn sheep, pronghorn and many others.Top your safari off with stops to see the beautiful travertine terrace of Mammoth Hot Springs and visit the Albright Visitor Center. For November & December tours please call for availability.